Tuesday, December 30, 2014

N + 1 (fat)

Most of you know the formula. How many bicycles does one person need? Answer: N + 1 (with N being the number of bicycles you currently own). There are a number of new fat bikes in Rexburg this winter. You may be seeing mine first since I have the blog but if anyone else wants to post a picture of his new bike or comment on it, I would be happy to put up a post.
     Fat bikes are perhaps the hottest segment of the bicycle market right now. Sticks and Stones is a dealer for three lines of fat bikes Surly, Trek, and Borealis. The other local shops all carry fat bikes as well, but the biggest news is that Brian has his first generation of Kelson fat bikes in production right now. It goes without saying that these bikes will set a very high standard and we are looking forward to showcasing them on the blog in the near future.
     I have been shopping for a fat bike with Joe for a while as well as doing a fair amount of reading on fat bikes. Having been a fat bike owner for a matter of hours, I am not an expert on the subject, but I have learned a few things in the process of shopping for the new bike. Fat bikes are having their moment right now, and the range of fat bikes on the market has grown exponentially. Many feature the new Rock Shox Bluto fork and a handful are even available as full suspension models. The development and evolution of fat bikes has been closely linked to snow racing events like the Iditabike, but in recent years, fat bikes have proven to be viable contenders in muddy conditions as well in races like the Ruta de los Conquistadores. At the same time, I think that some of the most enthusiastic proponents of fat bikes are probably overreaching a little. As an example, I saw a couple of guys on fat bikes at Rebecca’s Private Idaho. The rougher sections and the downhills may have been pretty fun, but I can only imagine that the long climbs were hell on a fat bike.
     Fat bike wheels come in three popular widths; 60 mm, 80 mm, and 100 mm. Tires come in three popular sizes; 3.4 in, 3.8 in, and 4.5 inch. Surly has three basic fat bike model lines; the Pugsley, the Ice Cream Truck, and the Moonlander with a few variations of each. I felt like the best fit for me was a Pugsley model, the Pug Ops which features a rigid fork, 80 mm wheels with 3.8 inch tires, and hydraulic disc brakes. Because the Surly is a steel frame, we took some extra precautions in the set up. Charles treated the inside of the tubes with Frame Saver, and Brian stopped in help with some facing of the frame and precision fitting of the various components.
     I cannot comment on any extended use of the bike, but I can give some first impressions. Surly is the pioneer in the mass marketing of fat bikes and their bikes have a very traditional, almost industrial look, typically with fairly drab paint colors. It would not be a stretch to say they are kind of ugly, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I like the look of the traditional narrow steel tubing with the big tires, but it may take some time for the grey color to grow on me. This is a bike that lacks the elegance of a Borealis or the bling of a Trek, but has its own distinctive look.
     I was able to ride it around a little this afternoon. It is a very big bike and it rides like you imagine a monster truck would drive. Year-around commuters know that traditional mountain bikes can be pretty sketchy on ice and snow, even with studded tires. On my little test ride with the new Surly, it plowed through any combination of snow and ice on the streets with absolute indifference. It was crazy fun to ride except when I was going uphill. The same qualities that make a fat bike such a beast in bad conditions conspire to make it a ponderous climber.
     I am grateful to Joe, Charles, Brian, and Mitch, all of whom had a hand in getting the bike set up and assembled. I am looking forward to getting in some quality riding time in a broader range of conditions.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Christmas Eve Road Ride (?)

I have talked to a few of you in the Rexburg area about the possibility of organizing a road ride for Wednesday morning, Christmas Eve, with a tentative start time of 10 a.m.  So far the forecast looks pretty favorable.  We will finalize plans depending to a large extent on the level of interest.  I realize this is a complicated day with family commitments, etc.  If you are interested in the ride, please let me know.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Weston Graduates

Congratulations to Weston Dunn who graduated from BYU-I on Saturday. Sadly for the rest of us, that means he will soon be leaving Rexburg in the rear-view mirror. Weston has been a very good friend to all of us and a tremendous asset to local cycling. Best of luck in all of your future endeavors.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Missoula-based Tour of Montana Debuts Summer 2015

This new 4-day professional event for men and women is scheduled between the Boise Twilight Criterium and the Tour of Utah. Organizers hope to eventually become a UCI sanctioned event.



Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Remembering Another Crash With Deer

These pictures go back a few years. This is a friend of Gheen's that I rode with in Utah a couple of times. I do not have his permission to post the pictures so I will not identify him by name. The year prior, he had been hit by a car. A year later, fully recovered, he was coming off the Suncrest Climb just south of Salt Lake City at high speed when a herd of deer crossed in front of him.  Unable to brake, he tried unsuccessfully to thread the needle and ride through the deer. He hit a deer, flipped and landed on the back wheel which shattered on impact. Miraculously, he avoided serious injury.


On BikeRumor Today. High Speed Crash With Deer.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Ultimate Challenge Newsletter - 2015 Registration Opens This Week


Early Registration Specials

The Ultimate Challenge presented by University of Utah Health Care returns for a sixth year on Saturday, Aug. 8, 2015. This popular bicycle century ride for amateur cyclists will be held again on the same day and on the same route as Stage 6 of the Larry H. Miller Tour of Utah. Online registration opens Wednesday, December 17 at 8 a.m. MT at RideUC.com

  1. The first 50 individuals to register online receive a University of Utah Health Care special - just $50.
  2. Additional registration discounts will be offered through Dec. 31, 2014, ranging from $55 for a bronze course ride option (route to be announced), $85 for a silver course (route start in Coalville), and $95 for the gold course (full 110-miles from Salt Lake City).
Regular registration in 2015 will be $115 per cyclist. Check out the new web site in December, with updates on team discounts and commemorative merchandise.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Fitzgerald's What's Up With Fat Bikes

This video is a couple of years old. It has been viewed about 118,00 times on You Tube.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Message from the Rexburg Police Department

Seriously, this is not a joke even though it kind of feels like the setup to a joke.  I was at Sticks and Stones this afternoon when an officer from the Rexburg PD stopped to talk to Joe. He asked Joe to communicate this warning to the local cycling community. Five bicycles have been stolen this week by an individual (seen on a security video wearing a black hoodie with a logo that looks like red mountains) who cherry picks high end bicycles from bike racks around the BYU-Idaho campus and uses a lock cutter to make away with the bikes.

     The RPD asks bicycle owners to lock their bikes securely, be alert for any suspicious behavior, and to be very skeptical of anyone trying to sell potentially stolen bicycles. Just a couple of comments…I was in the back when Joe talked to the officer so I do not know specifics of when and where the bikes were stolen. I would think that bikes on campus in the day should be pretty safe, even with a less than robust lock, so I assume this is probably happening at apartment complexes at night. I suspect the bikes stolen were high end only relative to the other bikes on the rack. If you are a student who truly owns a high end bicycle, you know this already.  Please do not lock it up outside. You should be sleeping next to that bicycle regardless of the bicycle policy of your apartment complex. If they are absolutely inflexible about that, find someplace else live.

From Kellen: Invitation to Weekly Spin Night

I am going to be doing a spin night on Wednesdays at my place. I have room
for 8-10. You will need to bring your own trainer. It'll start at 7 or 8 and
go about an hour. Call with any questions. 208-351-4141 Kellen

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Tour of Utah announces 2015 route, expanded women's event - VeloNews.com

Sorry for the lack of new content this week. I've been away from my computer. In fact this post is being generated voice to text. Regular readers know that I'm a huge fan of the Tour of Utah. So the official route announcement is a big deal to me. Especially is the race continues to grow and its stature increases. I'm a little sad that the race will not be going back to Torrey this year but hopefully it will return again in the near future.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Gizmag Announces Top Ten Cycling Innovations for 2014

Image copyright gizmag.com
So I had never heard of Gizmag, but I think this article is fairly entertaining. I received a link to the feature because I am on the mailing list for patchnride (still waiting for my device and patching kit) which is included the list of the year’s top innovations.  There is undoubtedly real genius here (Shimano XTR Di12), but there is some pretty weird stuff as well.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Thanksgiving Ride

The weather could not have been better for the ride this morning with mild temperatures and minimal wind. This was the first time I have ridden over the new reconstructed Del Rio Bridge. The old covered bridge was so familiar there that it is real shock to see a different bridge in its place. We stopped and took a couple of photos there.
     James brought some very nice glossy full color brochures featuring bicycle routes in the Ashton area. I have ridden most of these routes and will attest that this is some of the best cycling in the entire area. If you would like a copy of the map, I have a few extras.
     James also brought a flyer for the annual Lehigh Wheelmen Donut Derby which his uncle helps to organize. Participants can earn time bonuses by eating donuts at a designated donut feed zone. You can read more about the event here:  http://www.lehighwheelmen.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=56&Itemid=24

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

From Today's NYT: Why Antioxidants Don’t Belong in Your Workout

I have never really been a vitamin consumer, but I did take vitamins C and E for a while in the early 2000's when every endurance athlete or endurance athlete wannbe was doing so. Then I kind of lost interest. Plus even then, some studies cast doubt on the practice. Newer studies suggest that consumption of these vitamins may actually cause a small decrease in training response to exercise.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

GCN: How to Properly Use a Torque Wrench

There is plenty of good advice in this 5 minute video. You have probably noticed that the torque specification on most stem bolts is 5 nM, but most preset torque keys are 4 nM. (Editorial note/correction I usually write these posts off the top of my head and maybe fact check them later. Most of the popular torque keys have a 4 mm head, but they are 5, not 4 NM). In most cases, the torque specification imprinted on bicycle components is a maximum setting. According to GCN, it is generally advisable to start about 20% lower.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Highlights 2014 UCI Road World Championships

It is so great to start seeing more coverage of women's racing! These highlights from the 2014 UCI Road World Championships give equal coverage to both the men and women's races and provide an exciting recap for everyone.

The women's road race (starting at video marker 30:28), was particularly gritty with an unbelievable pile up crash at 30:56. Although the crash is a bit terrifying, the effort and athleticism of these women is quite inspirational. So, happy riding ladies!

Video Link

Thanksgiving Morning Road Ride

This semi-traditional ride can be difficult or impossible if the weather does not cooperate. Right now, the forecast for Thursday looks very favorable. Departure time will be 9 a.m. from Sticks and Stones. That gives everyone a couple of hours to ride and still be home in time to help out a little in the kitchen and carve the turkey.                                                

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Ironman Fun in Arizona

This is a brief description of Tony Perkins, Kent (Hammy) Johnson, and Mike (Sharky) Whitesides’ epic adventure on November 16.

First and foremost I want to thank Dave Anderson and all of the TNR riders for contributing to our success in the 2014 Arizona Ironman. Without playful and competitive Tuesday Night Rides, our bike training would not have been as fun or effective.

For those of you who don’t know what an Ironman is, it is a 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike, and a 26.2 mile run or sometimes called a 140.6 (2.4 + 112 + 26.2). The World Championships are held in Kona, Hawaii every October. Ironman Arizona is a qualifying event for Kona with 50 slots available. Hammy and I were 1st timers while Mike was competing in his 4th Ironman event. Mike was hoping to earn a slot to Kona.

The day started like any other long hard day of competition at 3:45 am. We woke up, quickly ate a small breakfast and departed for the race venue at about 4:30 am. Most of the 3000 racers had the same idea and we got stuck in gridlock traffic as we approached Tempe Town Beach where the whole event unfolded. We got close and Mike decided to drop the car in a questionable parking spot and we walked the rest of the way in. We arrived at about 5:45 am. We split up to do our final checks of our bikes and transition bags, last call bathroom breaks and then tried to relax for a few minutes before we squeezed in to our wetsuits. The gun sounded at 6:45 for the pro men and 6:50 for the pro women. The gun sounded shortly after 7:00 for the other 3000 competitors.

A mass start for the swim is exactly what it sounds like. 2.4 miles of roller derby action in the water. We all had similar experiences in the water with collisions and crowding. For me, it was a difficult swim, not because of the distance but because of the beatings.

Once out on the bike, Hammy and I consistently moved up through the other riders. There are rules that prohibit drafting or blocking so the entire effort is un-aided by other riders. Our average speed for the 112 mile course was about 20 mph. Mike flew through the course at 22 mph. High winds (not by Rexburg standards but by Arizona standards) took its toll on many riders and ultimately caused some to quit or suffer greatly on the run. It was like another TNR wind ride for Hammy and I. We were prepared for worse.

Neither Hammy nor I have ever run a marathon and this race was going to be our first. Fresh legs would have helped, but all things considered, we did fine. Both our times were well under five hours and our overall times in the Ironman were sub 12 hours. That is a top 20% finish among all other racers. Mike posted an impressive finish time of 9:45 and was 59th overall and 7th in his age group. Sadly he missed an invite to Kona since there were only 6 allocated slots. 

The entire race was amazing and still a bit unbelievable. Special thanks and highest praise to our family and friends who supported us at the race. Crazy long races like Lotoja, the Crusher, this Ironman and others prove that we can do more than seems possible with the proper training, support and attitude. Will we ever do another one? No word on that at this time.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

BengalCross Photo Album

Many thanks to Whitney Garrett for braving the cold and sharing these photos!

VeloNews Reviews the Light and Motion Urban 800

photo copyright Caley Fretz/velonews.com
The purpose of this blog is not to sell you things. However, years ago, I would have welcomed an endorsement for the Light and Motion Urban series before wasting time and money on lesser lights. The Urban series features a range of lights from 350 to 800 lumens with pricing from about $70 to $180. As with most technology, performance has increased and prices have dropped substantially over time. When I bought my 350 lumen light a couple of years ago, it retailed for about $150. My experience with this light has been overwhelmingly positive. It is bright, dependable, and attaches easily and securely to any handlebar. It also came with a helmet mount which I have never used. If you are looking for a bicycle light, I would start here.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

From Scott Hurst: 1st Annual Fat Bike Swap - Sat Nov 22nd - 9 am to 1 pm

Friends, Associates and Supporters of TMBT

REMINDER --- About the First Annual Fat Bike Swap - Sat Nov 22, 2014 hosted by Teton Mountain Bike Tours.

Event: 1st Annual Fat Bike Swap

Date: Sat Nov 22, 2015 - 9:00 am to 1:00 pm

Location: TMBT Shop - 545 North Cache Street Jackson, Wyoming next to Creekside Market and just south of DQ

Questions or More Inform: David Hunger @ 307-690-0712

Details for Fat Bike Sellers : Drop Off - Fri Nov 21, 2014 - 3:00 to 7:00 pm @ TMBT Shop and Pick Up - Sat Nov 22 - 1:00 to 3:00 pm.

Price: $25.00/Bike.  TMBT will donate the Swap Proceeds to Local Non-Profits to help promote Fat Biking in Jackson Hole Area.

Incentive to Attend: Great Drawings for Fat Bike Products from 45 Nrth, Vee Tires and Polarbottles! 

Please spread the word about this event and help promote Fat Biking in Jackson Hole - Thanks Much ! Please let me know if you have any additional questions on this event.

David Hunger
Teton Mountain Bike Tours
www.wybike.com or info@tetonmtbike.com
800-733-0788 or 307-733-0712


Whitney's Bengal Cross Photos


You can see more of Whitney's cross photos on her Facebook page

Sunday, November 16, 2014

XC Ski Kickoff with the 'Burg Nordic Club

Over at our sister site rexburgski.blogspot.com we've begun posting in anticipation of the upcoming XC ski season.  Many have expressed interest in finding an alternative venue to keep up their fitness in the off-season, and we're happy to offer the newly minted 'Burg Nordic Club as a vehicle.

For more information follow this link, but as a brief overview we'll be starting the season off with a little get-together:

Cross-Country Kick-off

Bring your own equipment, or feel free to drop in at the ORC for rental fittings on your own, (the high school group will meet there on Saturday, December 6, 10AM).

We'll be on snow at the Teton Lakes Golf Course on Saturday, December 6th, starting at 11AM (conditions permitting).  We'll hang around for a few hours, depending on how things go.
Anyone with any level of experience will be welcome.  Those who know a little bit more can help those who know at little bit less.

We look forward to a great off-season on the snow together!

Bengal Cross, So Fun, So Cold

Yesterday’s Bengal Cross was not the snowiest cross race I have been to, but with the wind chill, it was likely the coldest. Peter Joyce and the guys from the ISU Outdoor Recreation Department built a fun and challenging course at Bartz Field on the ISU campus. The hilly area around the playing fields includes several levels of fairly large landscaping terraces as well as some smaller terraces which provide steep climbs/run-ups and some abrupt drops.
I don’t think there is any question that mild temperatures like last weekend would have drawn more participants, but sometimes it is the extremes that make an event memorable. This was the inaugural year for Bengal Cross and its organizers, and like the other Southeast Idaho cross races, it has substantial potential for growth. I look forward to riding Bengal Cross years from now and reminiscing about the kind of miserable year that started it all.
Six cyclists from the Upper Valley braved the conditions at Bengal Cross: Dan, Shea, Jordan, Kellen, Jeff, and me. Dan and Shea opted for the B race and won the men’s and women’s divisions respectively. They were each rewarded with a large handsome ceramic cup custom-designed for the event. 

Friday, November 14, 2014

Roller Video Review: Slaying the Badger

It looks like the outdoor cycling season has swiftly come to a close.  Although I hold out some hope that we can keep up our tradition of a ride on Thanksgiving morning, I'm guessing most of us will be spending the majority of our time in the saddle either parked in a trainer or on the rollers.

Today I'd like to begin a new feature on the blog: the Roller Video Review

If you come across a TV show, documentary, movie or YouTube video that holds your attention for at least 30 minutes while cycling indoors, please let us know so we can link it and share.

I can think of no better way to start it off than by sharing an excellent documentary by the folks over at ESPN's series 30 for 30.

It's called "Slaying the Badger" and documents Greg LeMond's relationship with his teammate Bernard Hinault.

From the tagline:  American Greg Lemond helped teammate Bernard Hinault, The Badger, win the Tour de France as teammates. In 1986, it was supposed to be LeMond's turn, but would it be? It was a turning point in cycling.

You can watch the whole thing on Netflix, ESPN or YouTube here:

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Bengal Cross, Ironman Arizona

Best of luck to Tony, KJ, and Mike at Ironman Arizona on Sunday. Meanwhile, here in Southeastern Idaho, there is only one piece of unfinished cycling business; Bengal Cross in Pocatello on Saturday. http://bengalcross.athlete360.com/  It will be cold and conditions will be tough, but I am confident it will be a great event. I could not be happier with the local cross season thus far with the three race Victor series featuring Moose Cross as its showcase event, the Cube, Blue Goose, and now Bengal Cross. I am fighting a cold this week, but unless it gets substantially worse I will plan to be there on Saturday. If anyone is interested in consolidating transportation, please contact Kellen or me. You will probably want to ride with Kellen since he is not sick.                         

From Kellen: TDF Route to be Riden on Raleigh Chopper

For American audiences, this bike is essentially the UK version of a Schwinn Sting Ray.  A link to the story follows the video.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Bengal Cross Update

I registered this morning for the Bengal Cross "A" race. If they truly draw a deep 1-2-3 field, I may wish I had gone with the "B" race, but I am anticipating that the composition of the field will be something similar to the Cube, plus it should be a little warmer by noon. The trade-off for the warmer weather is that the course is likely to be more torn up. I sent an email to Peter Joyce to get an update on preparations for Saturday. His reply is below as well as the weather forecast.
     Regular readers of the blog know that in spite of their appeal to the true believers, my preference is not for the so-called "classic cross conditions". Thus far, we have been lucky enough to have dry, fast Indian summer conditions for most of the other South East Idaho races, so this may be a good way to wrap up the season.  Here is a link to the registration: http://bengalcross.athlete360.com/

We're working on the course and getting things dialed in. Should be classic cross conditions. Lots of grass with some muddy run ups and drops; a ball field section like at Moose Cross too. Looking forward to seeing you all again.  Peter

From Kellen: Martyn Ashton Year One

Images copyright Martyn Ashton/animal.co.uk
Most fans of YouTube cycling videos know Martyn Ashton, a former World Champion Bike Trials rider, from his popular 2012 video Road Bike Party and 2013 sequel Road Bike Party 2. Perhaps less well known is that Mr. Ashton, was paralyzed from the waist down in an accident that occurred in a bike trails demo in 2013. The video of Road Bike Party 2 was completed with help from Danny MacAskill and Chris Akrigg. This blog is a first-hand account of his ongoing recovery from the devastating accident.

From Kellen: Jeremy Powers and Mechanic Tom Hopper


Sunday, November 9, 2014

Blue Goose 2014 Redux

Yesterday was another signature day for Eastern Idaho CX.  The second annual Blue Goose Cyclocross race was held at Freeman Park in Idaho Falls.  It featured several nice technical upgrades from last year's excellent inaugural race.

This years course followed the same general outline as last year, but brought the racers fairly quickly across the creek with an early crossing over an established bridge and then back across a fairly steep temporary bridge.  Later, the organizers managed to finagle two passes through the sand volleyball court with a nice little hairpin turn around a large tree to mix things up a bit.  In addition to last year's drop into the stream bed early (causing some white knuckle moments each lap), a second stream bed crossing was added where last year racers cruised over a bridge.  With the exception of some minor variations through the trees along the river, most of the course remained the same as last year.

With a nice mix of kids, beginners and a deep experienced field it made for a well attended event.  Each November day you can get out on a bike is a bonus day in my book, and to have a sunny day with a well organized bike race to attend is a real gem.

Our Rexburg contingent had a good showing in both races, with congratulations going out to Shea and Kelton who both found a spot on the podium in the end.  But perhaps most importantly I'll give a shout out to all who attended from around the area (Teton Valley, Ashton, Rexburg, IF, and Pokey); both racers and supporters that helped to make it a great day!  Here's to hoping that we'll have a good turnout for BengalCross as well.

More Blue Goose Pics

Blue Goose CX pics

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Stop at Nothing: The Lance Armstrong Story (2014) Full HD

You may have heard of this Australian-made documentary already.  It has played on the BBC, Showtime, and ABC. I understand Lance fatigue as well as anybody and I am no fan of kicking a guy while he is down. Nevertheless, this is an absolutely riveting documentary, fast-paced and exciting.  It features interviews with all the principal players and tons of archival footage. There are a lot of people besides Lance who behave very badly, but plenty of true heroes including Greg LeMond, Emma O'Reilly, Paul Kimmage, and David Walsh, but none braver than Betsy Andreu.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Kelson Custom Titanium - An Extraordinary Experience and Result. roadbikereview.com

This was published a few months ago. I happened to see it for the first time today. Sounds like this guy is pretty happy.

Bike Rumor Reviews Argent Tubeless for Cross

Best of luck to the organizers of the Blue Goose for a successful event tomorrow and to the participants as well. Hopefully you can bring back a few stories and pictures.
Photo copyright Bikerumor.com

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

GCN: How to Corner on a Cyclocross BIke

In my opinion, this is the best video in the cross series so far. The forecast looks good for the Blue Goose on Saturday with essentially zero chance of rain and a high around 52 degrees. I wish I could be there but until somebody starts paying me to race cyclocross (even in my drams I realize that is not going to happen), adult responsibilities continue to rear their ugly head. Best of luck to everyone at the Blue Goose.