Thanks to Joe for reminding me about Crusher registration Wednesday evening, otherwise I may have missed it. The Crusher does not send an e-mail reminder to previous participants. They quietly open registration on an evening in January. It filled in about 30 minutes. I registered along with Jeff, Joe, and Shae.
The best way for a cyclist to pass a long winter in Idaho is probably skate skiing, but a fat bike is a close second. I have been having a lot of fun commuting to work in the snow, but I am pretty disappointed by the modest amount of snow in the long-term forecast for January. Until last winter, I had never ridden a fat bike at Harriman State Park. I should have done that sooner because it is pretty great. I have ridden at Harriman a couple of times in the past week including today with Scott Hurst and Tony, pictured here.

Last Sunday, I went out for a ride on the dry farms in cold windy conditions. Shortly after I stopped to take these pictures and add a Gore-Tex shell, a zero-visibility blizzard blew through for half an hour or so. There was no traffic to speak of. I could not see ten feet and even with lights front and rear I doubt that cars could have seen me. The poor visibility was accompanied by howling wind which made it impossible to hear any vehicles. I was pretty happy to finish the ride and return to a warm house.
I talked to Aaron Arave from CBI at Harriman today. They are thing about a fat bike/mountain bike event possibly at Freeman Park in February, something like a snow crit or cross race. I hope they do it. I told him to count me in.