Thursday, June 20, 2013

Bike Trails and Pathways Committee. A Message from Joe Hill

This is a great opportunity to do something positive for the community.


Here is some info about todays Bike Trails and Pathways meeting.


The committee meets every third Thursday of the month at city hall at 5:15 p.m. in one of the conference rooms on the south side of the building.  More or less the MO of the committee is to further the progress of established bike trails and paths and raise community awareness of these trails.  This is accomplished through applying for grant funding, coordination, and project planning.  Any of the city's equipment resources are at our disposal.  Anyone is welcome to attend the meetings and community input is welcomed warmly.  Joseph West is the current committee chairman and I serve as committee secretary.


Some current projects we are working on include: development of bicycle path along Poleline Road, connection of trails starting by water park and going behind Rexburg Development Center to Madison Junior High and Millhollow Road, connecting that same trail to Sugar City pathway, development of Bicycle Skills Park (this is in early stages, we have been in contact with FatCats for the use of their land behind their facility, and have also looked at Hidden Valley and Eagle Park as potential locations).  The skills park would have a pump track, jump lines of varying size and difficulty, dirt pathway, obstacle course to teach mountain bike skills, etc.


The meetings are never longer than 45 minutes.  The more people we can get involved the more we are able to do.  Thanks for helping spread the word!

Joe Hill
Sled Shed Board Shop
Sticks n Stones Mountaineering

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