Sunday, March 27, 2016

Bishop Mountain

Yesterday morning, Jeff and I took the fat bikes up to Island Park for one last day in the snow. Our plan was to ride from Harriman State Park to the top of Bishop Mountain, a round trip of thirty miles or so. It had been cold overnight and conditions for the first hour were among the best I have ever spent on a fat bike. The snow had been through numerous freeze-thaw cycles. There was not an inch of snow, on or off-trail, that was not rideable as evidenced by the photo of Jeff getting creative on the frozen snow.
We started with a general agreement that we would turn back when conditions became too bad or hopeless. However, turning back is easier said than done for both of us, especially given the absolute euphoria of the early morning conditions. As we approached Bishop Mountain, the track became rougher and the snow softer. The climb up the mountain was characterized by miles of short steep whoop-de-do rollers covered by deepening fresh snow as the elevation increased.
We slogged on through this for about four and a half miles of the five mile climb, but ultimately abandoned within sight of the fire tower, perhaps half a mile from the top. Jeff was still doing OK at that point but my own progress was measured by the millimeter. Things did not get a lot better on the return because the snow that had been icy hard pack earlier was turning to slush as we rode out. It was a pretty fun day out on the bike, but in terms of overall suffering, significantly worse than the Sawtell ride.

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