Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Nine Foods That Are Making You Fat. NEJM

A couple of years ago, The New England Journal of Medicine published a study which looked at the foods most commonly linked to obesity.  You can read a good recap of the study in the Salt Lake Tribune (includes a link to the original study).
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Here is the list of the nine foods:
1. Potato Chips
2. Diet Soda
3. Foods containing corn syrup and high fructose corn syrup
4. Red and processed meats
5. Low fat junk food
6. Diet Microwave Meals
7. Pasta
8. Cereal
9. Booze
I don't feel too bad about some of these things like diet microwave meals.  As far as I am aware, I have never eaten a microwave meal, diet or otherwise. If I could wish one thing off the list, it would be diet soda since I would rather drink Diet Coke than breathe air. The fact that diet soda is not really that great for you is hardly newsworthy.  In spite of what the other kids in high school cross country told you, carbonated beverages do not affect your "wind", but there are any number of other reasons to avoid them, regular or diet..Except in a race when they hand you a cold can of Coca Cola. You earned that one. 

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