Saturday, February 22, 2014

A Little Road Ride, The Armstrong Lie

Today was kind of a weird juxtaposition of a couple of unrelated cycling events. We were able to get out at midday today for the first real group ride of 2014. The first few rides of a new season are always a little tough, but never as hard as facing another day on the rollers or trainer.  I am reminded of John Stamstad, an early pioneer of endurance mountain bike racing. Back in the day, his winter workout was reported to be six hours on a trainer in an unheated garage staring at a blank wall to build mental discipline. If there is not some other alternative to build mental toughness, count me out. It was good to be back on the road today.
     Last night, I rented The Armstrong Lie from Amazon Prime. Since I did not finish it then and with the clock ticking on my 24 hour rental, I came home from the ride and finished the movie. For people like me, who followed the Tour obsessively during the Armstrong years, it makes for some pretty painful viewing to relive all of the familiar interviews in light of what we know now. It is impossible to not feel sympathy for Lance and hell his life has become, but the real victims in this story are Betsy and Frankie Andreu, Emma O'Reilly, David Walsh and all the others.  It was not enough for Lance to discredit his critics, on some level, he had to destroy them. For people who have followed the story of the rise and fall of Lance Armstrong, there are no big revelations in the movie. Over all, the tone of the movie is very fair and reasonably sympathetic to all parties, Lance included. Nevertheless, casual observers of the Armstrong story are going to like him less after viewing the movie. Fans and supporters will find little redemption there.


  1. The Armstrong lie is definitely worth watching. It does make you think back on all your memories of Lance though. It took me back to reading "It's not about the bike" and "Every second counts". I drank the Armstrong kool-aid.

  2. If the night rides are starting up I'd like to have a way of finding it your guys schedule for them until they are regular again.

    1. The "official" start of the Tuesday rides is usually the second Tuesday in April, but with daylight savings time starting on March 9th, there is a good chance we will be riding sooner, weather permitting. The Tuesday Night Ride will start at 6 p.m. at Sticks and Stones. I will publish more details week to week.
