Monday, March 10, 2014

Hope Fades for TNR Preview. Tipping Over.

I continue to hear from people who are anxious to get the Tuesday Night Rides started. For the past day or so, I have been planning to try a TNR preview tomorrow with a 6 p.m. departure and a little spin of an hour or so. However, based on the current hourly forecast for tomorrow night, I think that plan is pretty questionable. Here is what you can expect: temperature 42 degrees, wind at 23 mph, chance of precipitation increasing to 55% by 8 p.m. We will make an up or down decision on the ride by 4 p.m. tomorrow afternoon and post it on the blog. If you would like to vote on that decision or have relevant information to share, please send me a text or an email.
     Nineteen years ago, I purchased my first clipless pedals. The transition to clipless was intuitive and painless. I wished I had switched over sooner. Over the years, there have been a few times when I have tipped on a mountain bike, usually stalled on a climb that I should have abandoned sooner. Plus, I can think of a couple of times in cross races when a gritty cleat has failed to release with very negative consequences. But up until today, I had never tipped over on the road. Maybe someone like Tony who has been there since the beginning can remember a time, but I don’t think so. Today, I stopped fairly unexpectedly for a stop light and found myself a little off balance. My cleat was dry and dirty and when I tried to clip out, my shoe remained engaged and I fell gracelessly to the ground. We live in a world in which every embarrassing moment eventually finds its way to the internet. If you see a YouTube video of a cyclist in a yellow jacket tipping and cursing, it is probably me. One of the first things I did when I got home was to clean and lubricate the cleats. Hopefully, that is not something that has to happen twice.


  1. Been there done that. More times than I care to count. Mostly on a mountain bike. Check out this new pedal that is in the works from Mobius Cycling.

  2. Hope you're alright Dave and only bruised your pride. If the TNR is on tomorrow I'll be there.
